Monday, April 20, 2009

Discarded Paradise

Haven't been too good about posting lately...running into some troubles with my backup disk.

This is a cellphone shot I took on the way to work this morning. In addition to the new fountain, which still isn't complete, they started to repave the pathways in Veliki Park. They are progressing at a pretty good clip, more than half-way done in a little over a week. I've always known that some of the old Turkish "turban" tombstones were paved over during a previous pathway paving as I could see bits poking through the blacktop. I didn't realize it was so many though. During the latest paving effort, they have uncovered some (but not all) of the previously paved over markers to paradise. This is just one of the piles of uncovered tombstones from the Ottoman era (roughly 1450-1870's)

The Old and New - Veliki Park, Sarajevo

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