Monday, February 21, 2005

My Inspiration - Industrious Members of the Household

We actually got a lot done around the house
today. The laundry is all done, I got some bills
organized, and lots of pictures printed for Elesa's
scrapbooking days coming up. I think though
the inspiration came on Saturday. Shelby and
I worked a little learning her camera, depth of
field and shutter speed exercises using dominoes.

After putting things away, Shelby spotted a pile of
ants around a dead bug. The ants were dragging
the bug along. It soon became obvious, they had
a plan, and that plan involved carting the bug
carcass straight up a vertical wall, and then over
to a window, where the plan was to squeeze through
the crack, and then on home with the booty. I
grabbed my camera and took a few shots as the ants
scaled the wall. Then we politely opened the window
to make it easier for them to get out.

Ten minutes later, there was not an ant to be seen...

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